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The American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)
was founded in 1963 to certify the credentials of practicing geologists and to advocate on behalf of the profession.

AIPG represents the professional interests of all practicing geoscientists in every discipline.
Its advocacy efforts are focused on the promotion of the role of
geology and geologists in society.

Slate River, taken near Skanee, Michigan. Photo credit: Rex Crouch

Section Officers

AIPG Michigan Section Bylaws

National Bylaws

The information on this page provides a summary of the current Michigan Section Executive Committee officers, contact information, and the responsibilities of each position.  Information is also available regarding the Subcommittee Chairs.

The Michigan Section elects a member to the Secretary position during its Annual Meeting in December.  If you are interested in being a candidate for this position, please submit your name and a short biography for inclusion in the October newsletter no later than September 15.
Officer Name Contact Information
Past President Kalan Briggs 517-930-5227 / briggsk2@michigan.gov
1. Section senior advisor.
2. Undertakes assignments as requested by the Section President.
President Amy Hoeksama 517-740-2710 /y.Hoeksema@cmsenergy.com
1. Presides over all Section and Executive Committee meetings.
2. Official Section spokesperson.
3. Executes all documents on behalf of the Section.
4. Carries out all policies and directives.
5. Liaison with National Executive Committee.
6. Liaison with all Section Subcommittees.
Vice President Ashley Miller

906-235-7435 / millera65@michigan.gov

1. Ensures continuity and transition between current and subsequent Executive Committees.
2. Undertakes assignments at the request of the Section President.
3. Assists with quarterly meeting planning and setup.
4. Delegate to National Advisory Board meetings.
Treasurer Jason Lagowski 517-304-3910 / jlagowski@brwncald.com
1. Keeps an accurate account of all financial transactions.
2. Prepares annual financial statements (Due to National by April 15 of the following year).
3. Works in conjunction with Subcommittee financial chairman (if applicable).
4. Assists Secretary with quarterly meeting check-in, deposit receipts, payment to meeting facility.

Ashton Bullock

734-260-4179 / abull426@gmail.com
1. Keeps and maintains all bylaws and official Section documents.
2. Maintains minutes and records of Executive Committee meetings.
3. Registers members and prepares for quarterly meetings – check-in and name tags.
Newsletter Editor Adam Heft 517-886-7400 / adam.heft@wsp.com
1. Prepare section newsletters for publication and distribution to Section members, students,
    advertisers, and interested nonmembers.
2. Send announcements to Section members for meetings and other events.
3. Primary contact with National for website content and updates.
Assistant Editors Sara Pearson
Mark Sweatman
517-420-3219 / pearsons@michigan.gov
517-404-7165 / mark.sweatman@woodplc.com

1. Reviews Section newsletter before the Editor finalizes and distributes it to members.
2. Publishes and distributes the newsletter if the Editor is unable to do so.

ECP Sienna Meekhof 616-970-0914 / sienna.meekhof@sme-usa.com

1. Responsible for leading the Early Career Professional/Student Liaison Committee.
2. Lead point of contact to the AIPG National Committee Early Career Professional and Past Early Career Professional.
3. Spokesperson for the AIPG Michigan Section Student Chapters and ensure that the Executive Committee is informed of officer changes, updated documentations, student chapter events, and other student chapter news.

Subcommittee Chair Chairperson Name Contact Information
Awards/Educational Outreach Jason (Jay) Poll (616) 402-4403 / jaypcpg@gmail.com
1. Solicits nominations for outstanding geologist annual Section award and for special awards.
2. Compile longevity awards and prepare certificates and plaques.
3. Arrange for plaques for speakers.
4. Distribute educational monetary awards.
Screening Derrick Lingle (269) 362-0237 /dlingle@fishbeck.com
1. Preserves all applications, references, and inquiry materials in strict confidence.
2. Preserves all files and forwards to National upon final recommendation from Committee.
3. Inquiries verifying work experience and integrity of applicant.
Nominating TBD  
1. Identifies and obtains commitments from Section members to become candidates for
    Section offices.
Regulations and Legislation Sara Pearson 517-420-3219 / pearsons@michigan.gov
1. Track and act upon legislative, regulatory, and over governmental issues which have potential to
     impact the professional geologist.
2. Monitor changes in licensing laws.
3. Provide guidance to legislators.
4. Educate legislators.
5. Sponsor meetings with legislators.
Summer Workshop Subcommittee Chair Sara Pearson
Tammy Rabideau
517-420-3219 / pearsons@michigan.gov
248-773-7986 / tammy.rabideau@atcgs.com

1. Organize and run the Summer Workshop.
2. Apprise the Executive Committee on Status of sponsorship, advertisers, participation of the Workshop.

Golf Outing Subcommittee Chair Kalan Briggs 517-930-5227 / briggsk2@michigan.gov

1. Organize and run the annual golf outing.

Field Trip Subcommittee Co-Chairs

Sara Pearson
Adam Heft

517-420-3219 / pearsons@michigan.gov
517-886-7400 / adam.heft@wsp.com

1. Organize the annual summer field trip.
2. Identify a field trip leader.



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